
6th District Department of Ohio




Girls State Website




Buckeye Girls State is the name given to Ohio's Girls State program, which was designed to educate Ohio's young women in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of good citizenship. By getting involved in the process, Delegates can learn more about City, County and State Government in one week than they will learn in an entire semester of high school.

The Ohio American Legion Auxiliary has been a proud sponsor of Buckeye Girls State for the past seventy-five years. The program has been honored by such organizations as Freedom's Foundation at Valley Forge and the National Association of Secondary School Principals.


How Are Participants Chosen?


American Legion Auxiliary Units, assisted by high school principals and guidance counselors, evaluate potential leadership qualities of young women to be interviewed for selection as Delegates or Alternates. Young women are eligible to attend if they meet the following criteria:


Have completed their junior year of high school

Are interested in government and current events

Have high moral character

Possess strong leadership abilities

Have an above average scholastic standing

Have a desire to learn